A lifestyle that improves insulin resistance

Insulin resistance refers to how responsive your cells are to insulin, and improving it can help prevent diabetes and other health issues.

Here are 6 natural ways to boost your insulin sensitivity:

Get more sleep: Lack of sleep can increase insulin resistance, so prioritize getting enough rest.


Exercise more: Regular physical activity helps move sugar into muscles for storage. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise 3–5 days per week.

Reduce stress: High stress hormone levels can reduce insulin sensitivity. Practice stress management techniques like meditation or deep


Lose excess weight: Belly fat, in particular, reduces insulin sensitivity. Losing weight can improve insulin response and reduce the risk of type 2


Eat health-promoting foods: Include foods that enhance insulin sensitivity, such as whole grains, leafy greens, and lean proteins. Limit refined sugars and processed foods.

Quit smoking: Smoking worsens insulin resistance, so consider quitting to improve your overall health.